Exploring and Maximizing Leadership Styles

In Depth: Exploring -- and Maximizing -- Leadership StylesIn our previous blog post, we took a look at the six major leadership styles, as described by Harvard researcher and leadership expert Daniel Goleman. As a senior care franchise owner, you lead a diverse team of individuals, and you’ve got to know how to get the most out of them.

The first step in your journey of leadership self awareness is determining which leadership style comes most naturally to you. Then you can shift your style, as needed. But it’s also necessary to learn how to employ the other five styles — even if they don’t seem natural, using them during the proper times can help you steer your franchise in the right direction.

Let’s take a deeper look at the six styles!

#1 — Coercive Leadership

Is this you?
If you are a coercive leader, it’s natural for you to demand that people do what you tell them, without question. You expect high achievement and big results without a lot of debate.

When it works
This style is the most effective when your franchise is in crisis mode or you need a quick turnaround. It is useful when you need to “shock” people into a new way of doing things.

When it doesn’t work
The coercive style should only be used when absolutely necessary; otherwise it can have a severe negative impact on collaboration, flexibility and morale.

#2 — Authoritative Leadership

Is this you?
Authoritative leaders display tremendous enthusiasm and possess a clear vision. Leaders of this type are powerful motivators.

When it works
Of the six leadership styles, this one is the most versatile and effective, overall. It allows leaders to get the most out of their people by inspiring them to greatness.

When it doesn’t work
This style can fail when teams of experts don’t respect the leader’s knowledge, or when big changes are required.

In Depth: Exploring -- and Maximizing -- Leadership Styles#3 — Affiliative Leadership

Is this you?
Affiliative leaders put people first. If you are such a leader, your focus tends to be on creating harmony, fostering communication and building empathy.

When it works
The Affiliative style works well when it’s necessary to boost morale and/or get people to work together more collaboratively, with greater harmony and a sense of unity.

When it doesn’t work
Because this style focuses so much on giving praise, it can be ineffective when it’s time to address poor performance among team members.

#4 — Democratic Leadership

Is this you?
If you are a democratic leader, you believe in the power of consensus and the importance of getting your team members to “buy in” to the mission of your franchise.

When it works
This style is particularly effective when you are unsure of a direction to take, or you need to untangle a thorny situation. It builds morale because it values the opinions and thoughts of employees so highly.

When it doesn’t work
Democratic leaders can get caught up in meetings and the search for consensus, so much so that they fail to take action when decisiveness is the best course.

#5 — Pacesetting Leadership

Is this you?
If the phrase, “lead by example,” resonates with you, then you are probably a pacesetting leader. You know how to do things “the right way” and you’re always ready to show your team how things ought to be done.

When it works
When used sparingly, this style can motivate a team and show your people that you’re willing to get in “the trenches” and perform hard work for your franchise.

When it doesn’t work
Pacesetting leadership can have a negative organizational impact when it’s overused, especially when it’s employed during times when team members need to build confidence in themselves.

#6 — Coaching Leadership

Is this you?
You believe in your people and you want them to achieve their goals. You often put franchise goals on the back burner so you can counsel your people and help them do their best.

When it works
This is the best style to employ when employees are eager to learn and hungry to find out new, better ways of doing things.

When it doesn’t work
This style is ineffective when leaders lack the expertise to coach their people with authority. It can also backfire when employees are apathetic and unwilling to learn.

Learn More

Are you interested in learning more about what it takes to be successful as a senior care franchise owner during the aging-in-place boom? Always Best Care is here to help you navigate the industry as one of our franchise owners! Download our FREE franchising ebook today to learn more and refer to our most recent Franchise Disclosure Document for important details.



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