Be a Part of One of the Best Franchises for Minorities

Minorities in the US play a vital role in business and are an engine of employment in emerging communities and in the senior care industry.  According to the US Department of Commerce, in 2002 there were 4 million minority-owned businesses, which employed 4.7 million people and grossed $661 billion. If these businesses had matched the population of minorities in the country, however, we would have expected numbers in the range of 6.5 million businesses employing 16.1 million workers and grossing over $2.5 trillion, according to a Department of Commerce report1.  This disparity illustrates that minorities still face obstacles to becoming business owners in the US.

The Biggest Obstacles Facing Prospective Business Owners

One of the greatest obstacles for minorities continues to be lack of access to capital.  Minorities are more likely to be denied credit and pay higher interest rates on loans, according to the report.  Individuals looking to own and operate a franchise need initial capital to start the business, as well as working capital and business loans to grow.  Because of our current financial environment an even greater burden is placed on minority entrepreneurs struggling to keep their businesses alive.

Work with One of the Best Franchises for Minorities

The Department of Commerce report illustrates the obstacles minorities face as entrepreneurs and business owners and the need to ensure that business opportunities are equally accessible to everyone.  Always Best Care is proud to have been named one of the top 50 franchises for minorities by the National Minority Franchising Initiative.  Always Best Care was also named one of the top low-cost franchises in the country.

Starting a non-medical home care franchise is an excellent opportunity for people from all walks of life and an opportunity to help meet the growing need for quality senior care in the US.  Explore our website to learn more about franchising with Always Best Care.
Learn more about senior care franchising by downloading our FREE eBook.


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Tips for Greening Your Senior Care Business

Image of ECO

Being “green” isn’t just a trend anymore—companies are recognizing the importance of long-term sustainability and that going green can help improve their bottom line.  Below are some tips for helping the planet and saving some money for your company, whether you operate home care business or other business.   

  • Use CFL or LED Lights –– Compact fluorescent lights and LED lights last significantly longer than traditional incandescent light bulbs and use less energy.  Despite the higher initial cost of CFL and LED lights, switching to these energy-efficient bulbs could save you hundreds each year.
  • Reduce Paper Consumption and Switch to Post-Consumer Paper Products –– Paperless offices are the new normal. With advancing technology people can compose, read and transmit documents digitally without ever having to print a copy.  Resist the urge to print all of your documents, opting instead to use digital copies.  When you absolutely must print documents, use post-consumer recycled paper.  Stock your break room and bathrooms with post-consumer recycled paper.
  • Replace Old Appliances with Energy Star Models –– Old appliances can be real energy guzzlers. Look for new appliances with the Energy Star label, which helps you assess the energy requirements (and the cost to run) the appliances.  A larger up-front cost is worth the long-term savings.
  • Power Your Office with Alternative Energy –– Many utility providers offer consumers energy from “green” sources like wind and solar, geothermal and hydropower, depending on where you live.
  • Make Company Vehicles Hybrids or Alternative Fuel Vehicles –– While hybrids and alternative energy vehicles often have higher up-front costs, drivers typically save money on gas in the long run. The higher sticker price of a hybrid vehicle should be offset by the savings in fuel costs, for immediate savings.

These are just some of the many ways companies can be part of a more sustainable future and save money in the process.

Learn more about senior care franchising and Learn more about senior care franchising by downloading our FREE eBook.


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Client Safety and In-Home Care

Delivering health care in an institutionalized setting such as a nursing home or assisted living facility is very different than caring for clients in their homes.  While nurses, aides and physicians have more control over a client’s day-to-day care in a healthcare facility, clients at home are in their domain and have greater autonomy—they can refuse care, and they have more power over decisions about how and whether certain interventions will be carried out.

Informal caregivers, such as family members and friends, may also provide assistance to family members at home, and home care aides have little or no authority over these individuals.  An informal caregiver may choose not to administer a medication, for example, which a home care aide may not learn about until an adverse event has occurred.  Additionally, every client’s home is unique, creating a greater number of variables than exist in a more institutionalized setting.

For these reasons, client safety is especially important in a home care setting.  Below are some of the most important considerations.

Fall prevention — Thirty percent of people age 65 and older fall each year.  Many of these falls require medical attention, making fall prevention a priority for home care aides.  Having a fall-prevention program in place is important, as well as taking steps to minimize hazards at home like loose carpeting, slippery flooring, clutter and other hazards. Home care aides can help in this area by working with clients and their family caretakers to reduce these hazards.

Medication management – Seniors may take medications on their own or with the help of informal caretakers, increasing the probability of missed medications or dangerous combinations. Home care professionals should do everything possible to minimize these risks while on duty and help ensure that clients and family caretakers understand their loved one’s medication regimen as thoroughly as possible.

By implementing these and other safety measures, clients can maintain independence and autonomy significantly longer in the comfort of their own homes.

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Senior Care Franchise Caregiver Tips for Working with Dementia Patients

Even the most skilled senior caregivers may find themselves occasionally frustrated when working with dementia and Alzheimer’s patients. While frustration and irritation may be normal emotional responses to the daily trials of caring for a dementia patient, it is critical for caregivers to remember their responsibility to respond to patients with kindness, understanding and professionalism at all times.

People with dementia can exhibit behaviors such as repetitive speech, questions and actions, paranoid behavior, incontinence, wandering, and verbal or physical aggression.

It’s important to keep in mind that you can’t control a dementia patient’s behavior, but you can control how you choose to respond to it.

Here are some tips for working with people with dementia:

  • Speak clearly and use simple words and sentences.  If the person doesn’t appear to understand you, repeat the question or statement. If he or she still doesn’t understand you, wait for a few moments and try rephrasing the question.
  • Limit distractions in order to get and keep the patient’s attention. Make sure to address the person by name. State your name and communicate slowly and clearly.
  • Ask simple, direct questions. Using visual cues and asking closed-ended questions that require simple yes or no responses are helpful.
  • Take things one step at a time. Breaking down tasks step-by-step can be helpful for those with dementia.  Use gentle reminders if the person forgets a step in the process.
  • Be aware of your body language and tone of voice, which communicate your mood and feelings more powerfully than words.  Use a gentle touch, tone of voice and body language to convey your message.
  • Be patient and understanding.

Remember that people with dementia may take longer to respond and accomplish tasks and may need you to repeat things several times. Managing any frustration you might feel is important for both you and the patient.

Working with patients with dementia can be challenging, but it can also be a rewarding experience to help those with special needs. With patience and understanding, caregivers of a senior care franchise can improve seniors’ quality of life.

Improve someone’s life through your work, learn more about franchising in the rewarding senior care industry by downloading our FREE eBook.


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Exercise for Clients of a Home Care Franchise

An important element of overall health is regular exercise, the benefits of which extend well beyond physical health. Exercise is also vital to mental and emotional health, releasing a host of chemicals in the brain that improve mood and keep us mentally sharp.

Many seniors are nervous about exercising, out of fear of falling or otherwise injuring themselves. Some may have a heart or other condition that requires that they not over-exert themselves. The reality, however, is that not exercising is probably the greater threat to health, especially for older adults. In addition to the cardiovascular benefits, exercise improves muscle tone, balance and coordination, all essential in fall prevention.

Non-medical in-home care caregivers can play an important role in ensuring that seniors get healthy amounts of exercise by exercising with clients or monitoring clients during activity. Here are some examples:

Swimming/Aquatic Exercise — Swimming is an excellent low-impact exercise for seniors. If swimming is too difficult, stationary aquatic exercises are a good alternative. In-home care assistants can exercise with seniors in the pool or accompany seniors to classes.

Walking — Whether a gentle stroll, or a brisk stride, walking is excellent exercise that gets the heart pumping and improves core strength and muscle tone.

Chair Exercises — For folks who can’t walk or who have difficulty walking, chair exercises with or without a light pair of weights are an excellent alternative.

Exercise is an important part of overall health and longevity. assistant professional caregiver can help seniors maintain an exercise regimen, and stay healthy and happy at home.

Always Best Care is among the top home care franchises for seniors in the nation. Learn more about becoming a franchise owner by calling 855-430-CARE (2273).

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How Will the Healthcare Mandate Affect Seniors and the Senior Care franchise Industry?

The Affordable Care Act is a healthcare reform measure that aims to make health insurance more affordable and accessible to Americans.

Among the ways it does this is by barring insurance companies from denying people coverage based on preexisting conditions, requiring that insurance companies cover 10 essential health benefits, including preventive and pediatric services, and subsidizing the cost of coverage for eligible participants.

Impact to Seniors

Seniors on Medicare should not be affected by the Affordable Care Act in terms of losing coverage. In fact, the ACA will extend additional benefits to those on Medicare, including reductions in the cost of prescription drugs and the addition of several free preventive services.

For most people on Medicare, costs will remain the same.  For higher income individuals, the monthly cost of Medicare will increase, but this will impact a small number of people of those on Medicare (around five percent), according to

Since senior care services, including assisted living, are most often paid for with private funds, the impact on the senior care industry should be minimal, in terms of payment for services.

Impact to the Senior Care Industry

The impact on assisted living facilities and other senior care services will likely be minimal in terms of changes to patient care. The biggest impact will revolve around employer obligations to provide caregiver staff with health insurance.

Beginning in 2015, employers with 50 or more full-time equivalent (FTE) employees will be required to offer employees health insurance or face a per-employee penalty of

$3,000. Employers with fewer than 50 FTE employees will not be subject to the same requirement.  Employers will ultimately need to do a cost assessment to determine whether it is in their best interest to provide employees with health insurance or pay the penalties.

Employees who do not receive health insurance through their employer can purchase coverage via their state’s health insurance exchange (if available) or through the federal exchange.  Depending on income level some people may qualify for a subsidy to help pay for coverage.

The Affordable Care Act aims to provide Americans with affordable access to health insurance. The launch of the federal health insurance exchange website has been met with many technical glitches, frustrating consumers.

As time passes, and these issues are addressed and corrected, the full impact of the Affordable Care Act and the healthcare mandate will become more clear.

Always Best Care is among the leading companies with senior care franchise opportunities, to learn more contact an area rep near you.

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Smartphones Can Help Seniors Stay Connected

For many of us our smartphones are an essential part of our lives, helping us navigate the roads, avoid traffic jams, check our email, snap photos on the fly, update social media accounts, and more.  In fact, anyone who has ever panicked upon realizing they left their phone at home knows that perhaps we have become a bit too reliant on our beloved phones.

For the most part, though, smartphone ownership is limited to younger demographics.  Seniors (age 65+) could benefit greatly from smartphones to stay connected to loved ones in other ways than phone calls alone (i.e. through social media), but they trail the younger generations in terms of smartphone adoption, according to a Pew survey conducted in 2011.

The survey found that 68 percent of respondents aged 66-74 (classified on the survey as “Older Boomers”) reported having a cell phone, while just 48 percent of respondents aged 75+ (classified as the “G.I. Generation”) reported having one.  Older Boomers used their cell phones for taking pictures, sending or receiving text messages, accessing the Internet and sending or receiving emails at higher rates than did the G.I Generation.

While the survey didn’t indicate the reasons for lower smartphone use among seniors, it’s probably safe to assume that since seniors didn’t grow up with this technology it may feel a bit overwhelming and confusing at first.  But there are plenty of ways seniors can benefit from smartphone technology.  Our phones function well beyond phone calls, enhancing communication between family members and friends through mediums like social media and connecting us to the world at large.

In-home and assisted living caregivers can help seniors learn how to navigate and use the various functions of their smartphones, including the camera and email features, which could potentially help seniors feel more engaged and connected.

Always Best Care is among the most reputable non-medical home care companies in the nation.  To learn more about starting a Senior Care Franchise contact an Area Representative near you.

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Volunteer Opportunities for Seniors

Seniors are all too often an untapped resource of invaluable wisdom, knowledge and guidance.  As many people age, they lose touch with family members and friends, which can create feelings of loneliness and isolation.  It’s important for people to feel like they’re making a difference in the world, and seniors are certainly no exception.  Seniors can offer valuable advice and life lessons to people of every age.

While some may have physical limitations, there are still numerous ways seniors can get active in their communities and volunteer.  We’ve highlighted some volunteer opportunities below.


  • Foster “grandparent” — There is no shortage of kids who need guidance and support, and who could benefit from the wisdom and attention seniors can provide.  Foster grandparents help children with activities like reading and writing, they mentor troubled youth, and help children who have suffered abuse or neglect. There is no limit to how a foster grandparent can help a young person in need.
  • Elder companion — Elder companions offer assistance to those who are ill or have limited mobility, or who are simply seeking companionship.  Becoming an elder companion is a rewarding experience for all involved.
  • Nature guide — Seniors who have a love for the great outdoors can make excellent nature guides. Whether taking kids on local hikes, or giving presentations at a nature center, there are many ways seniors can share their knowledge about nature and help promote stewardship.
  • Community service — There are dozens of ways to get involved in the local community, from food drives, to youth outreach and education.  And there is no shortage of local and national organizations where seniors can find volunteer opportunities, including Senior Core, a division of AmeriCorps.

Volunteering in the community can be a truly rewarding experience for seniors, whose wisdom and knowledge change lives.  Regardless of physical capabilities, opportunities to help are all around.  Assisted living and In-home care franchise assistants can help clients find local volunteer opportunities in the community, and in doing so, improve clients’ quality of life.

To learn more about senior care franchising, simply download our FREE eBook!


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Helping Seniors Avoid the Common Colds this Winter Season

The National Institutes of Health reports that there are around 1 billion new cases of the common cold in the US each year.  This number far exceeds the US population of approximately 314 million people, indicating that many, if not most, people in the US contract several colds per year.

Colds can be especially dangerous for young children and the elderly, since their immune systems typically have more difficulty fighting off infection.  Given this, it is especially important to reduce the risk to seniors and children of contracting viruses. Here are some tips from senior care franchise owners for helping seniors avoid catching a cold:


  • Wash hands frequently — The average person touches various surfaces that can harbor germs—doorknobs, countertops, toilet lids—hundreds of times per day. Washing hands frequently with soap and hot water reduces the chances of contracting a virus.
  • Avoid touching the face — Touching your hands to your face brings germs closer to open areas such as the mouth, eyes and nose where germs can easily enter the body. Avoid touching the face as much as possible.
  • Keep surfaces clean and disinfected — Viruses can live on surfaces for two to eight hours, according to the Centers for Disease Control.  Disinfect surfaces frequently, especially in high-traffic areas, to avoid coming into contact with viruses.
  • Eat a balanced, healthy diet — A healthy diet rich in fruits and vegetables helps boost immunity — the body’s first line of defense against cold and flu viruses.
  • Take supplements for vitamin/mineral deficiencies — For some people, it is difficult to get all the nutrition they need from diet, alone, and some individuals may have vitamin or mineral deficiencies as a result of taking certain medications. Taking a vitamin and mineral supplement will help ensure that all nutritional needs are met, boosting the immune system.

By taking extra care and precautions, such as those outlined above, seniors and their caretakers can reduce the likelihood of coming into contact with cold and flu viruses for a healthier, happier winter season.

To learn more about franchising in the senior care industry, don’t hesitate to download our FREE eBook!


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Creating a Pleasant Holiday Season for Residents with Dementia and Alzheimer’s

The staff at assisted living facilities can go a long way in helping make the holiday season a fun and pleasurable event for residents. Feeling a sense of home is important to residents whose lives in assisted living facilities are likely very different than when they were at home, and the holidays can help spark feelings of warmth, family and tradition.

Familiar Items Can Bring Comfort and Good Cheer

Despite memory problems associated with Alzheimer’s and dementia, patients with these conditions often remember events deep in their pasts with surprising clarity.

Decorating a resident’s room with treasured Christmas ornaments or other holiday memorabilia with the help of the resident’s family members can create a sense of familiarity and bring comfort during the holiday season.  It is important to keep in mind, however, that change can be disconcerting or disorienting for some with dementia, so the resident’s wishes must be respected when it comes to decorating or moving things around the room.

Deck the Halls

Decorating the facility, playing holiday music and holding social gatherings for residents during the holiday season can help create a festive, lively atmosphere.  You may be questioning whether it’s worth the effort, considering many residents may not be aware of the season, but it’s important to note that while the short-term memories of patients with dementia can be fleeting, it’s difficult to know with certainty what they may be picking up on and what events they may remember.

People with dementia can teach us a lesson about living in the present moment. While it may be forgotten tomorrow, if a holiday song or social gathering brings a resident pleasure, the effort put into creating those special moments is fully worthwhile.

Always Best Care is among the leading senior franchises and providers of in-home care and assisted living services in the nation.  Learn more about becoming a franchisee and helping seniors on our website,

To learn more about the franchising in the senior care industry, download our FREE eBook today!


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