5 Tips to Improve Your Social-Media Marketing Power

5 Tips to Improve Your Social-Media Marketing PowerMarketing your senior care business requires you to act on a number of different fronts. Thankfully, as a franchisee, you have a wealth of knowledge, information and assistance available to you when it comes to spreading the word about your in home care business. But when it comes to social media, too many franchisees leave untapped potential on the table.

  • Are you looking for a new edge over your competitors in the region?
  • Do you need a strategy that adds power to your overall marketing campaign?
  • Is keeping up with the demands of social media simply too intimidating?

Well, you’re in luck! Here are five tips that can help you boost the power of your social-media efforts:

#1 – Schedule Your Posts

These days, automated services such as Buffer and HootSuite make it easy for you to schedule targeted social media posts on all of the major platforms quickly and easily. By using one of these apps or services, you free yourself from the constant demands of social-media posting.

#2 – Schedule Your Posts Strategically!

When you schedule your social-media updates, it’s easy to slot them into times that look good on the calendar, but might not make sense in reality. Instead of posting an update right at 1:00 pm, for example, schedule it for a few minutes later or earlier. Why? Doing this catches people when they’re most likely to be checking their phones or tablets for updates between meetings and appointments. Also, pay attention to the times you post and the engagement you see. By doing this type of analysis, you can further improve your social-media targeting.

#3 – Engage More!

5 Tips to Improve Your Social-Media Marketing PowerEngaging on social media is perhaps even more important than promoting your business. Unfortunately, taking time to engage can seem daunting. Fortunately, it’s not that hard if you follow this simple strategy: simply follow and/or “favorite” every account that reshares or interacts with your posts. Simple, easy and essential, this practice is how the economy of social media works. Jump in and use it to your advantage!

#4 – Complete Your Profiles

Social media users are savvy people, and when they see that a business doesn’t have a fully filled out profile, they ignore it. Before you share your next post, make sure that all of your profiles contain complete – and consistent – information about your business. This means that all logos, slogans, contact information, etc. should match across all platforms.

#5 – Use Hashtags, but Use Them Wisely

According to research, tweets that contain hashtags receive twice the engagement of tweets that have no hashtags. However, tweets that contain more than two hashtags receive a 17% drop in engagement. If you can find one popular hashtag that fits appropriately, use it! If you have three awesome hashtags, you’re going to have to sacrifice at least one of them (or use it in a different update altogether) if you want to make an impact.

Learn More!

If you’re interested in learning more about the tips and advice we have to offer our Always Best Care franchisees, we invite you to download your own copy of our FREE franchising ebook! We are always here to answer your questions about franchising success in the senior care industry, so contact us today.


Please refer to our most recent Franchise Disclosure Document for important details.


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