Five Essential Tips on Hiring the Best Caregivers for Your Franchise


One of the first challenges you’ll face as a senior-care franchisee is the process of hiring help. During the initial stages of your business, you’ll probably find yourself wearing numerous hats – sometimes all of the hats – as your franchise gets off the ground. Eventually, though, there will come a time when it simply makes sense to bring new people on board. The subject of hiring has been addressed previously on the blog (link to:, but it’s important to focus on how you can hire the best caregivers, specifically.

Following are five essential tips on hiring the most qualified and effective caregivers for your senior-care franchise.

  1.  Always Have a Plan
    As a business person, you understand that positive results usually only happen when you have a plan. This goes for hiring caregivers for your franchise, as well. Before you start recruiting, make sure that your business plan accounts for a method of bringing on new staff members. It’s also important to research compensation and benefits packages that will help you attract the best candidates. You might also consider incentive programs that will make it easier for you to attract – and retain – caregivers that truly make a difference.
  2.  Understand Seniors’ Needs
    Do you know what your clients really want and need when it comes to their care? What are they asking for? What kinds of personalities do they respond to? Do you understand the specific challenges associated with your unique group of clients? By analyzing and understanding the distinctive needs of your seniors, you can hire caregivers that align perfectly with the requirements of your client base.
  3.  Cast a Wide Net
    You can certainly save time and money by limiting your advertising and recruiting efforts, but you’re only sabotaging your own business in the long run. Research the best places to advertise for new hires, and take advantage of as many of them as you can. Remember that it’s important to use both traditional media and methods (newspapers, employment and trade publications) and more recent innovations (social media, online forums and job boards, etc.) to make the largest pool of qualified candidates aware of your needs.
  4.  Proper Interview Preparation
    You’ve probably had to prepare for several job interviews over the years as a candidate, but now you find yourself on the other side of the recruitment desk. On this side, it’s just as – if not more – important to prepare properly for interviews. Have questions ready and be poised to answer candidates’ questions about your business accurately and expertly. But remember that it’s important to not keep your nose buried in interview notes while you’re speaking with candidates; this can keep you from noticing when you’ve built an instant rapport with the ideal candidate!
  5. Trust Your Instincts and Training
    You entered the senior-care franchise industry to make a difference in your life and the lives of others. Your instincts have led you to this point. Your training and diligence have helped you lift your business off the ground. When it’s time to hire caregivers, remember the things that have helped you become successful thus far. If you’re prepared well for the process of hiring caregivers, you can rest assured that the instincts and training that have gotten you to this point will also help you find the ideal candidates for your growing business.

Help is on the Way!

Congratulations! You’ve reached the point at which hiring caregivers is the logical next step in the growth of your senior-care business. Getting to this level has required you to build your business intelligently and with a great deal of hard work. Thankfully, hiring caregivers will mean that you won’t have to work quite so hard in the future, which will allow you to concentrate on the next steps for the continuation of your franchise’s growth.

Do you have additional questions about hiring caregivers for your senior-care franchise? Give us a call today, or download our FREE franchising eBook today to learn more!


Please refer to our most recent Franchise Disclosure Document for important details.

Five Franchise Myths Debunked



If you find yourself thinking about new professional opportunities, you will probably perform some research on franchising.  Becoming a franchise owner is attractive because it gives you the best of two professional worlds: the ability to operate your own business independently, but with the support of a successful organization behind you. If you are intrigued by franchising, you may run into some conflicting reports about what it is like to operate your own franchise.  However, it can be difficult decoding myth from reality when it comes to franchise facts.

To help you make the best possible decision for your future, here is a list of some of the more common myths about running your own franchise. These myths only serve to muddy the waters in regards to franchising, and they discourage potential franchise owners from pursuing fulfilling opportunities.



Franchise Myth #1 – “Most Franchises Fail Within the First Year of Operation”

The first year of operating any business is difficult, and franchises are no exception. However, the fact is that most businesses do, in fact, survive their first year of operation, and less than 40% of businesses fail within the first two years of existence. As long as you go into franchising with a solid plan, sufficient capital and strong financing, you’ll have a solid base with which to begin.


Franchise Myth #2 – “There’s No Real Freedom in Franchising”

This myth has persisted for quite a while, even though it is just not true. One of the main reasons people go into business for themselves is to gain more professional freedom. They want to escape the corporate structure, and they think that the presence of corporate backing in a franchise situation is just another way to become a “cog in the machine.” The truth is that you are the real boss in your franchise, regardless of the franchisor you’ve partnered with. You are responsible for decisions impacting advertising, marketing, hiring and managing. Of course, with a franchise, you always have help available, but when it’s your franchise unit, the buck stops with you.


Franchise Myth #3 – “There’s No Creativity in Franchising”

Similar to Myth #2, this one assumes that some franchisor representative or policy will stifle any creative decisions made by franchisees. Thankfully, this one is also untrue! Certainly, the franchisor will monitor and guide certain aspects of your business, but those guidelines only exist because they have been proven to boost performance, whether they pertain to uniforms, signs or other facets of the operation. Moreover, many of the best policies that franchisors have implemented have come from the creative suggestions of franchise owners.


Franchise Myth #4 – “The Right Franchise Opportunity Doesn’t Exist”

So many people wait for the perfect opportunity, then never actually take any chances. A casual glance at franchise opportunities may reveal that the bulk of professional options exist within just a few industries, but those who scratch a little more deeply under the surface find that franchising opportunities are available for just about every interest, budget and skill level.


Franchise Myth #5 – “I Just Can’t Afford a Franchise”

It takes money to buy into a franchise, but it takes an investment of some kind to get into any kind of business, regardless of your level of involvement. Before you dismiss franchise ownership because you’ve heard some figures related to popular mega brands, investigate some of the lesser known industries and you’ll find that some franchises are much more affordable to start than others. The senior home care industry, for example, is rewarding, and the cost of entry is much less than you might expect.


Is Franchising the Right Opportunity for You?

Franchising is not ideal for everyone who wants to go into business, but it shouldn’t be discounted because of some persistent myths. For many people, franchise ownership provides the perfect balance between complete autonomy and corporate backing. The lesson here is that there are common myths about franchising that might be keeping you and others from experiencing the perfect professional balance. Don’t let them hold you back any longer!


Are you ready to learn more about franchise opportunities with Always Best Care?

For information on our franchise opportunities, call toll-free 1-855-430-CARE (2273), send an email to [email protected], visit or download our FREE franchising eBook today and refer to our most recent Franchise Disclosure Document (FDD) for more details.



Examining the Profitability of Home Care Franchises

Why Are Home Franchises So Profitable Right Now?

Since the economic collapse of 2008, nothing has been quite the same. Although the economy is recovering, echoes from the downturn of the last decade continue to reverberate. This can be observed perhaps most closely in the job market, where employment searchers are increasingly considering non traditional forms of work that give them more control – and more security – in a rapidly changing world. That’s why so many people are considering franchises. However, not many people think to consider franchising in the home care sector.

Why Home Care for a Franchise?

When most people think of franchises, the first thing that comes to mind is food. The fast food industry, in particular, has grown at an incredible rate thanks largely to the efforts of dedicated franchisees. Food is familiar to everyone, and most people have experienced dining at one or more different food franchises over the course of their lives. Moreover, many people in our society began their careers working for such franchises. This means that food franchises are very familiar to the general public – making food an easy entry into the world of franchising.

Just because an industry is familiar, however, doesn’t mean that it’s ideal for everyone who wants to enter into franchise ownership. The food industry is highly competitive, and many people find it to be too stressful to sustain a happy, fulfilling career for very long. Additionally, some people are simply uncomfortable with the idea of entering an industry that is known for providing poor nutrition, while others feel a calling to go into business that serves others more directly.

Home care is one of the rising industries in the franchising world. As it turns out, more and more seniors are electing to receive elder care services in the comfort and privacy of their own homes. This means that the demand for ethical and effective home care providers is growing incredibly fast, leaving a market wide open for potential franchisees searching for a unique and rewarding opportunity.

The Benefits of Home Care Franchising

Low Costs of Entry

Fast food franchises are potentially lucrative, but they require a massive upfront investment, often exceeding $500,000. Always Best Care upfront investment costs range from $60,000 to $110,000 – more than half of the $500,000 price point for a fast food franchise.

  • High Demand
    There are more seniors living in our world than ever before in history, and they’re living much longer than ever before, too. Unfortunately, the facilities and services that they need can’t keep up with the demand that exists. As more and more seniors seek alternative care, home care franchises are set up for a great future of service.
  • Help with Legal and Organizational Issues
    No one likes to deal with red tape, especially when it comes to issues surrounding home care. Fortunately, home care franchisees can say goodbye to headaches associated with red tape and legal busywork because franchises have built in recognition and reputations, as well as an ability to make life easier for otherwise independent home health operators.
  • Money Can Be Made
    Getting into a franchise business is done because it’s a great way to earn revenue. What many people don’t know is that the home care sector provides a greater opportunity to make more money more quickly.
  • Doing Some Good in the World
    Seniors often struggle in their golden years, and they deserve to be taken care of with dignity. As our aging population seeks solutions for care, they are finding an increasing number of available options. For those who want to not only earn an impressive income, but also make a positive difference in the lives of our most experienced citizens, franchising in the non-medical home care industry simply makes sense.

Learn More about Home Care Franchising with Always Best Care

For information on our franchise opportunities, call toll-free 1-855-430-CARE (2273), send an email to [email protected], visit or download a copy of our FREE franchising eBook today!


Please refer to our most recent Franchise Disclosure Document for important details.

Always Best Care® Territories Create Greater Opportunities for Franchisees

Most senior care franchises claim to “protect” a territory by making the senior citizens who live within the territory exclusive to a particular franchisee. The problem, according to Michael Newman, founder and Chief Executive Officer of California-based Always Best Care® Senior Services, is that franchisees are dependent on the many different health care industry professionals who actually refer seniors who need care – and neither the referral source nor the franchisees have any control over where those seniors may live.

Always Best Care is one of the nation’s leading providers of non-medical in-home care, assisted living finder/referral services and skilled home health care. The company delivers its services through an international network of more than 200 independently owned and operated franchise territories and area representatives throughout the United States.

According to Mr. Newman, the senior care industry is a referral-based industry – and what drives growth are relationships with the many referral sources within each franchisee’s protected territory. The senior citizens receiving care, however, may live anywhere, not exclusively within the territory.

As a result, Always Best Care franchises may serve customers both inside and outside their defined territories, as they are not limited to serving clients only within a specific area.
Always Best Care protects the actual referral sources in our franchisees’ territories. These sources are the true originators of revenue for our franchise owners. They introduce seniors and their families to the franchise owners. “Our territory policy is designed to protect the franchisees’ marketing efforts and all channels of referrals and revenue inside their defined territories,” explained Mr. Newman.

“This also avoids the problems faced in other franchise systems where multiple franchisees all sell to the same referral sources in multiple territories. When a referral source provides a new referral,” he said, “if that potential client happens to live in another franchisee’s territory, all of the hard work to build the relationship with the professional referral source just went to someone else. That is most definitely not the case with Always Best Care!”

Always Best Care franchise territories are determined by contiguous zip codes. Each territory is protected and exclusive, encompassing a minimum population base of 200,000 people. The company also balances each territory to include a roughly comparable number of referral sources based on the inherent differences in individual areas.

For territory checks or information on Always Best Care franchise opportunities, download your FREE copy of our franchising eBook call toll-free 1-855-430-CARE (2273), or send an email to [email protected]. Also visit for complete information.


Please refer to our most recent Franchise Disclosure Document for important details.

Always Best Care Senior Services Launches Manager-Driven Franchise Model for the Senior Home Care Industry

Always Best Care Senior Services revolutionized the senior care industry when it introduced its exclusive outsourced staffing program, provided free to franchisees for their first six months to allow them to concentrate on immediate revenue-generating activities.

Now Always Best Care has done it again!

“Introducing the semi-absentee executive business model for the senior care industry,” proclaimed Michael Newman, founder and Chief Executive Officer of Always Best Care.

The semi-absentee executive model (also known as an investor or manager-driven model) is designed for persons who want to invest and prosper in the growing and recession-resistant senior care industry, but who are not looking for a new full-time operating position.

Always Best Care is one of the nation’s leading providers of non-medical in-home care, assisted living placement services, and skilled home health care.  The company delivers its services through an international network of more than 180 independently owned and operated franchise territories.

Traditionally, virtually all franchises in the senior care industry have been awarded to persons who have a passion for serving the senior community, who want to make a difference in people’s lives while they build a business, often who have had a personal experience caring for a senior relative, and who want to be “hands-on” in operating their businesses, according to Mr. Newman.

“With the dramatic growth of the senior care industry,” he said, “we’ve been seeing more and more business-savvy individuals who see the opportunities inherent in an industry that’s projected to continue on a growth curve for the next 30 years.  They’re not seeking a job or a position running a small office, however – they’re looking for an investment opportunity where they can open multiple offices and utilize their leadership and management skills in building a larger-scale business than has traditionally been the case in senior care.”

To qualify for the semi-absentee model, prospective franchisees must have a minimum liquidity of $150,000 and a minimum net worth of $500,000.  They’re required to purchase two or more territories, follow a prescribed hiring plan, and maintain a minimum required local marketing program.

According to Mr. Newman, the ideal candidate for the Always Best Care semi-absentee model is someone with prior business management experience who understands the model represents a long-term investment with a goal to grow the business and maximize equity value, versus developing immediate short term income.  “Additionally, he added, “the ideal candidate must be willing to relinquish controls to a manager as he or she builds a long-term business opportunity.”

A strong training program is essential to help these candidates develop the right attitudes, the right practices and the right culture for their businesses, Mr. Newman explained.  “Accordingly, we’ll provide an extensive training program for both the owner and managers of the new offices,” he said, “including several weeks of what we call ‘pre-training,’ then seven days of classroom training, nearly two weeks of in-the-field training and of course on-going support from our nationwide team of area representatives and the field support office.”

For information on Always Best Care franchise opportunities, including the new semi-absentee executive investor model, download our FREE franchising eBook, call toll-free 1-855-430-CARE (2273), write to us at [email protected], or visit


Please refer to our most recent Franchise Disclosure Document for important details.

The Always Best Care® Business Model Provides Franchisees with Multiple Revenue Streams

With Always Best Care® Senior Services, one of the nation’s fastest growing senior care systems, franchisees can drive revenue while building local credibility and visibility with their referral sources, thanks to an additional revenue stream from assisted living finder and referral services, according to founder and Chief Executive Officer Mike Newman.

Always Best Care is one of the nation’s leading providers of non-medical in-home care, assisted living finder/referral services and skilled home health care. The company delivers its services through an international network of more than 200 independently owned and operated franchise territories and area representatives throughout the United States.

“The beauty of our three revenue streams,” added Mr. Newman, “is that they all flow from the same referral sources. Once an Always Best Care franchisee has established his/her professionalism and business acumen with those referral sources, they have three distinct opportunities to generate revenue. This is exceptionally rare in the senior care business, where most providers generally only offer one of the three services.”

The assisted living finder and referral services is a true bonus for many new franchisees, especially in states that require home care licensing. While obtaining a home care license may be a relatively quick endeavor in most cases, it also has the potential of delaying a new franchisee’s ability to derive income from the provision of in-home care.

Assisted living finder and referral services does not require any licensing, and since business emanates from the same referral sources as other services, it allows Always Best Care business owners to begin establishing their local credentials and positioning with those referral services while they are awaiting their home care license.

Plus – assisted living finder and referral services are free to clients – all fess are paid by assisted living communities. Importantly, many families who begin as home care referrals later decide to move into an assisted living community. A business built around only one or the other service can only capture a limited share of market.

These are some of the specific services offered in each of Always Best Care’s three service areas:

Non-medical in-home care – Always Best Care’s in-home care services include: Personal care, companionship, transportation; assistance with the activities of daily living, such as dressing, meal preparation, bathing, grooming, transportation, light housekeeping, assistance with walking, attending local events, visiting friends and neighbors, and others.

Assisted living finder and referral services – Always Best Care franchisees match clients with three or four assisted living partners that offer the most appropriate living options based upon the client’s needs, custom screening and available budgets. This service includes escorting clients and their families on personal tours of the matched communities, introducing them to residents and team members, often sharing a meal – all to help the family make an informed decision on which senior housing option is best for them.

Skilled home health care – Where available, Always Best Care’s home health team of professional skilled nurses and licensed therapists provide clients with an organized, thorough and completely individualized plan created with their specific needs in mind and often in conjunction with the primary care plan developed by the client’s physician. Skilled care services may include: Medication management, wound care, diabetic care, pain management, disease management and therapy, injections and IV therapy, post surgery care, speech therapy, occupational and physical therapy, blood draws and others.

Do you have what it takes to be an always Best Care business owner? Always Best Care wants to know!
For information on Always Best Care franchise opportunities, download a copy of our FREE franchising eBook, call toll-free 1-855-430-CARE (2273), send an email to [email protected], or visit


Please refer to our most recent Franchise Disclosure Document for important details.

Study Shows Canadians Prefer Aging at Home

There is great news for entrepreneurs living in Canada who may be interested in starting a home care business – A new national poll conducted by Nanos for the Canadian Nurses Associated has found that nearly 75% of all Canadians believe that it is important to spend time aging at home with the benefit of home-based care (SOURCE: Canadian Nurses Association).

According to CNA president Karima Velji, home care not only has positive effects for the health of Canada’s senior population, it also helps take pressure off of care facilities in the country, which are overcrowded. Much of this overcrowding is due to the fact that on any given day in Canada, 7,500 hospital beds are occupied by patients who are cleared for hospital discharge, but are not able to access the next level of care that they need.

This presents an incredible opportunity for hard-working, driven individuals looking to open a home care business in Canada. By providing home care through Always Best Care in your province, you will be making a positive impact on the senior community, as well as on Canada’s health system.

To learn more about Always Best Care and the opportunity to become a Franchisee in an industry in need of home care professionals, download your very own copy of our FREE franchising eBook today!


Please refer to our most recent Franchise Disclosure Document for important details.

Success and Growth: A Meaningful Franchise Opportunity in Your Community

Over the last 60 years, the landscape of the franchise world has grown and evolved to an incredible degree. From franchises offering pressure-washing services and lawn care services to those offering tax services and even dog walking services, it’s safe to say that if you have a need, there’s a franchise nearby that can fill that need for you.

Of all the different franchise models, one in particular is growing at an astronomical rate:  The senior care franchise industry. There were only 13 home care franchise brands in the year 2000, and that number has grown to 56 in-home care companies in 2014, according to industry research firm FRANdata.

According to a 2012 Bureau of Statistics report, the home care industry is the fastest growing industry in the entire United States. What’s more, demand for in-home care services will only increase, as the proportion of our population over the age of 90 is still widening.

In fact, between now and 2050 the percentage of seniors (65 and older) will continue to grow while all other segments will decline (Source: Pew Research Center). Because 10,000 Americans turn 65 every day, there is an enormous opportunity for high-energy men and women to have success operating a non-medical home care franchise.

Because in-home care franchises require lower investments, have the potential to generate high revenue, and cater to a growing demographic, the home care franchise industry is a very popular one. Franchise owners also typically have the benefit of utilizing a powerful combination of corporate and field representatives who are invested in franchise owner success, as well as marketing and training solutions to help get their businesses started off on the right foot.

To learn more about training, support and powerful marketing strategies for the senior care industry,
download our FREE franchising eBook for more information


Please refer to our most recent Franchise Disclosure Document for important details.

An Opportunity for Long-Term Success in the Fastest Growing Industry in America

For entrepreneurs, now is a better time than ever to invest in a home care franchise. According to a 2012 Bureau of Statistics report, the home care industry is the fastest growing industry in the entire United States. What’s more, demand for in-home care services like those provided by Always Best Care will only increase, as the proportion of our population over the age of 90 is still widening.

In fact, between now and 2050 the percentage of seniors (65 and older) will continue to grow while all other segments will decline (Source: Pew Research Center). Because 10,000 Americans turn 65 every day, there is an enormous opportunity for high-energy men and women to have success operating a non-medical home care franchise.

We are proud to say that Always Best Care Franchise owners continue to be more successful every year. Between 2010 and 2013, growth in franchise revenues outpaced territory growth by far, to the tune of 590.7%.

Our franchise owner’s success is due in large part to the training that they receive. Always Best Care’s training is divided into modules that combine field and classroom settings.  One-on-one coaching and web-based seminars are also provided, giving franchisees a well-rounded learning opportunity. Caregivers are fully screened, and are also given the opportunity to train non-medical home care skills, increasing the quality of the home care services that our franchise owners provide to the community.

If you are a driven, compassionate individual with a desire to make a difference in the community that you serve, download a FREE copy of our franchising eBook to learn more about franchising with Always Best Care. We’re dedicated to helping our franchise owners succeed…always.


Please refer to our most recent Franchise Disclosure Document for important details.

The Senior Market is Hot. Always Best Care is Hotter!

One of the many factors that make a franchise organization successful is how effective that organization’s support and marketing initiatives are. At Always Best Care, our franchise owners have access to award-winning, turn-key marketing solutions that help their business blossom into a successful staple in their local community.

From 2010 to 2013 our passionate franchise owners’ collective revenue jumped from $9.557 million to over $66 million (Source: 2009-2014 Franchise Disclosure Documents) – a statistic that we’re proud attribute to hard work and customized care for senior citizens around the nation.

The senior population continues to grow each year. In fact, by 2050 nearly 20% of the population will be over the age of 65 (Source: Pew Research Center), giving hardworking men and women an opportunity for success in a recession-proof market.

Whether you have a background in nursing care, real estate, pharmaceuticals or any other line of work, you too can succeed in the home care industry, with the help of Always Best Care’s award-winning support and marketing programs.

We encourage you to download our FREE franchising eBook to learn more about franchising with Always Best Care, and how you can have an impact on your community while enjoying the success of your hard work.


Please refer to our most recent Franchise Disclosure Document for important details.