How You Can Help Today’s Seniors Get What They Want

How You Can Help Today’s Seniors Get What They WantOne of the most important benefits associated with senior care franchise ownership is the opportunity to give back to the community and provide a resource.

But before you can provide your community with a valuable resource by offering outstanding senior care, you need to understand what seniors actually want. Seniors have many more options available to them in their post retirement years than ever before, so it’s crucial to be able to offer what they actually want.

Let’s take a look at some of the key desires that today’s seniors have — and explore how you can satisfy them as a senior care franchise owner in your community!


Seniors don’t always get the respect they deserve in our fast-paced world. Youth culture seems to dominate every facet of society, which can leave older individuals feeling like they exist on the margins.

Seniors don’t need to be treated like royalty, but they should be made to feel that they are every bit as important to society as anyone else.

As a senior care franchise owner, you can make a huge difference in your business — and the way your clients feel about you — by simply recognizing that older individuals deserve respect. As the leader of your business, everyone looks to you for guidance, so treat your clients (potential and otherwise) with the utmost respect, and your staff will follow!

Being Treated As Individuals

It’s all too easy to lump everyone over the age of 65 into a broad category known as “Seniors.” The reality is that seniors are just as diverse and varied as any other cross section of society. Certainly, seniors have a lot in common with each other generationally speaking, but that doesn’t mean that they’re all the same.

One-size-fits-all plans may work some of the time, but if you’re not treating each senior in your care as a unique individual, you risk alienating them. Every senior in your care has his or her own wants and needs; just because two people share the same birth date doesn’t mean they share the same requirements for senior care.

How You Can Help Today’s Seniors Get What They WantCommunication

For most people, a social life is tied closely to professional life, so when individuals retire, they often find themselves missing out on conversations and interactions with others. Older individuals often have a lot to express, so it’s important to be able to truly listen to what they have to say, whether it’s in casual conversation or when they require something critical for their care.

Seniors also appreciate being looked in the eye and talked to directly. Too often, senior care providers speak directly to a family representative without addressing the senior loved one, which can lead to feelings of alienation and a loss of self worth. Of course, it’s important to be able to communicate effectively with family members and other loved ones, but don’t forget the person who’s at the center of it all!

Are you interested in learning more about what it takes to be successful as a senior care franchise owner during the aging-in-place boom? Always Best Care is here to help you navigate the industry as one of our franchise owners! Download our FREE franchising eBook today to learn more and refer to our most recent Franchise Disclosure Document for important details.


5 Inspirational Quotes for Franchise Owners

5 Inspirational Quotes for Franchise OwnersOwning and operating a senior care franchise can be a rewarding experience, but running your own franchise isn’t always smooth sailing. Ups and downs are natural in any business, so it’s important to stay motivated and focused on performing to the best of your ability, especially when the challenges you face seem overwhelming. Thankfully, as a franchise owner, help is available from your area representatives and corporate office. But if you’re looking for an extra spark of inspiration, it doesn’t hurt to pay attention to some tried-and-true bits of wisdom.

Here are five excellent inspirational quotes for senior care franchise owners!

#1 — “Expect problems and eat them for breakfast.” – Alfred Montapert

Alfred Montapert is a somewhat obscure 20th-century philosopher and author, but this quote really packs a punch! What Montapert is saying is that problems will arise in your business, no matter how hard you work to avoid them. If you can accept that problems will come up, you can deal with them decisively in the moment. And by being prepared for them, you can eliminate them with relative ease, just like you eliminated that piece of toast you had for breakfast!

#2 — “The secret of getting ahead is getting started.” – Mark Twain

Making plans and generating big ideas about how you will run your franchise isn’t a bad thing, necessarily, but if you fail to actually take action on your ideas, you won’t see your business grow. Don’t worry so much about all of the steps you have to take; just take the first one. With each step, you become better prepared to take the next one!

#3 — “The harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.” – Thomas Paine

Some challenges are more difficult than others to deal with. The good news is that facing the biggest problems head on tends to reap the biggest benefits. That problem that seems insurmountable now could represent the most direct route to reaching your goals in the future, so take on your big challenges one step at a time.

5 Inspirational Quotes for Franchise Owners#4 — “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” – Thomas Edison

Here, Edison calls to mind the classic, “if at first you don’t succeed, try, try again,” nugget of wisdom, but he goes even further in identifying “giving up” as a weakness. Few, if any, good things ever came from giving up, so if you believe in something, why not give it another try?

#5 — “Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking.” – William Butler Yeats

The world isn’t going to present the perfect opportunities for you to take actions in the interest of making your franchise grow. You create those opportunities for yourself through hard work, careful planning and using the advice and insights provided by your franchise support system. If you want to succeed as a franchise owner in the senior care industry, you’ve got to be proactive!

Are you interested in learning more about what it takes to be successful as a senior care franchise owner during the aging-in-place boom? Always Best Care is here to help you navigate the industry as one of our franchise owners! Download our FREE franchising ebook today to learn more and refer to our most recent Franchise Disclosure Document for important details.


10 Essential Smartphone Apps for Franchise Owners

As a franchise owner in the senior care industry, you can use your smartphone in a number of ways that help you succeed, but you have to know the apps that can help you do so without wasting your time.

If you’re looking for some new apps to help you become a better, more productive franchise owner, here are ten examples that can help you start getting more done today!

#1 — Wunderlist

This easy-to-use app helps you take notes, plan assignments and make lists from anywhere. If you are a detail-oriented person, it helps you stay on top of your workload, and it includes functionality to aid in collaboration.

#2 — Trello

Similar to Wunderlist, Trello helps you stay organized with lists, notes and assignments through a visual, board-based interface. If you’re familiar with Pinterest, you will probably catch on quickly to how Trello works.

#3 — Evernote

Yet another option for taking notes, keeping lists and collaborating with others is Evernote. It uses a simple, clean interface that allows you to integrate text, images, video, PDFs, webpages and other media easily. Evernote is a terrific choice for productivity if you are torn between Wunderlist and Trello.

#4 — Addappt

Caregivers, clients, franchise representatives and others populate your “contacts” list, and it can be difficult to keep track of them all. Addappt helps business owners manage their contacts with easy updating and the ability to categorize contacts simply and effectively.

#5 — Asana

Asana provides a single location for franchise owners and their team members to connect and share communications and tasks. Adding files, links or images is easy with Asana, and the app is free for teams of 15 people or fewer.

#6 — Google Drive

The Google Drive app provides tons of storage for virtually any file type, and it ensures that you’re always just a click away from your work, no matter where you’re located. The Android version of Drive also allows you to scan documents, making it easy for you to add receipts, sketches and hand-written notes.

#7 — CamScanner

Speaking of scanning, one of the most popular apps for business owners is CamScanner, which is available on all major platforms. Just point your phone’s camera at any document and convert it into a searchable PDF almost instantly.

#8 — Polaris Office

Polaris Office is a full suite of applications for managing, creating, editing and saving documents without a connection to the internet. If you’re looking for a way to work with Microsoft Word, PowerPoint and Excel documents (as well as PDFs) on the go, Polaris Office is worth investigating.

#9 — Dropbox

Dropbox is one of the more popular solutions for secure file storage and document sharing. It works directly with a number of useful applications like Word and Photoshop, and it’s supported on a wide range of platforms, ensuring that you always have a way to access your work.

#10 — RescueTime

According to the experts at, RescueTime is “…simply the best time-management app we’ve ever tested.” If you’re wondering how you can squeeze more into each day, this amazing app can help you get more done by providing a detailed analysis of how you actually spend your time.

Are you interested in learning more about what it takes to be a senior care franchise owner during the aging-in-place boom? Always Best Care is here to help you navigate the industry as one of our amazing franchise owners! Download our FREE senior care franchising eBook today  to learn more and refer to our most recent Franchise Disclosure Document for important details.



The Value of Local Support for Your Senior Care Franchise

If you’ve worked in the corporate world, you understand what it’s like to have the support and structure of the company behind you. But operating within this structure leaves you with very little freedom to make decisions and take risks. That’s why franchise ownership is so attractive — owning and operating your own senior care franchise location allows you to experience the best of both worlds: You are the owner of your own business, with the freedom to make important decisions, but you also have support and structure provided by the company.

One important aspect of franchise ownership that sometimes gets ignored is the presence of support on the local level. It’s easy to view franchise ownership in terms of the relationship you have with the company at the national — or global — level, but it’s local and regional support that often means the most on an on-going, day-to-day basis.

How does local support help franchise owners succeed? Let’s take a look!

Area Representatives Understand the Needs in Their Area

In the senior care industry, a cookie-cutter approach just doesn’t work. Every community is different, and methods that work in South Florida may not be effective in northern Minnesota. People live different lives in different parts of the world, and local Area Representatives understand the regional nuances that give their franchise owners an edge over competitors who don’t have local support.

Area Representatives Are There for You on a Regular Basis

Support from the corporate level is important, but it’s not usually meant to be a daily lifeline. Local support means having someone in your corner that you can call on when needed. They are also there for you to provide planning, mentoring and team building in a way that fits with the needs of your community.  Regular in-person visits are part of the Area Representatives’ deliverables to the owners.

The Best Local Support When You Franchise with Always Best Care

At Always Best Care, we believe strongly in a system of support that includes the assistance of experienced Area Representatives. Area Representatives are there to provide support when you need it in addition to helping you hone your business plan for maximum results. Regular meetings provide structure and motivation, and our proactive approach to mentoring and coaching means that you’ll always be on top of your game.

Always Best Care is one of the leaders in the growing senior care industry because we believe in our people. Providing great local support is just one of the ways we help our franchise owners grow their businesses and serve their communities.

Are you interested in learning more about what it takes to be  a senior care franchise owner during the aging-in-place boom? Always Best Care is here to help you navigate the industry as one of our amazing franchise owners! Download our FREE senior care franchising eBook today to learn more and refer to our most recent Franchise Disclosure Document for important details.


Three Ways You Can Help Alzheimer’s Patients As a Franchisee

Three Ways You Can Help Alzheimer’s Patients As a FranchiseeAlzheimer’s Disease and other forms of dementia represent a huge health and wellness concern for many families across the country and around the world. Alzheimer’s is still somewhat mysterious — even to expert scientists and doctors — and there is no cure or treatment that can effectively reverse the symptoms and characteristics of the disease. However, recent years have seen numerous breakthroughs in the ways that people care for Alzheimer’s patients, most of whom fall into the growing senior population.

As a senior care franchisee, you play a special role in the lives of older individuals, and that role gives you a unique perspective into the disease and its effects on patients and their families. What you may not realize, though, is that your role as a non medical senior care franchise owner gives you a chance to provide help, hope and comfort in ways that aren’t possible otherwise.

Here are three ways you can use your role as a franchise owner to help Alzheimer’s patients:

#1 — Lead and Educate

As a franchise owner, you are the leader of a team. Therefore, it’s up to you to make sure you’re up to speed with the latest care techniques and data on Alzheimer’s. That way, you can ensure that your caregivers and other staff members are equally informed and able to provide the best, most comprehensive non medical care possible.

Of course, with the way the world changes these days, it’s important to constantly keep your ear to the ground to stay up to date. New breakthroughs are happening every day, and new methods of non medical care are being developed as we speak, so be sure to stay on the cutting edge!

#2 — Make it Personal

It’s likely that one of the main reasons you became a senior-care franchisee was to give back to your community because for you, it’s personal.

When it comes to caring for Alzheimer’s patients, you can make a huge impact by showing your team — and the families they help — that you are personally invested in the lives of the people for whom your business provides essential care. After all, if you’re like most people, you probably know someone close to you who also suffers from the disease.

Three Ways You Can Help Alzheimer’s Patients As a Franchisee#3 — Be Your Area’s Alzheimer’s Care Leader

More and more families are searching for options for Alzheimer’s care these days. When you can show your community that you are the leader in dementia care, you give people hope and reassurance. When people know that they can trust you to provide the best possible care, they will make sure the world knows that your business has what it takes to provide much-needed relief.

Make a Difference as a Senior Care Franchisee

If you’re ready to learn more about senior-care franchise ownership and the difference you can make as a franchisee, we invite you to download our FREE franchising ebook today!


Please refer to our most recent Franchise Disclosure Document for important details.

Do You Have What it Takes to Be A Senior Care Franchise Owner?

Do You Have What it Takes to Be A Senior Care Franchisee?If you are reading this, there is a good chance it’s because you’re curious about becoming a senior care franchise owner. Perhaps you’ve gained experience in the corporate world, but you’re interested in owning your own business. Maybe you’ve even been considering franchising for a while, but the right opportunity hasn’t come along. Whatever your reasoning, it’s true that right now is a great time to enter the growing in home senior care industry as a franchisee. It’s a solid industry with a tremendous growth forecast, and those who have followed their franchisor systems and worked hard have experienced impressive successes.

The senior care industry is highly appealing, so it makes sense that you would consider it when evaluating franchise opportunities. But there’s something you need to ask yourself: Do you have what it takes?

Are You Cut Out for Senior Care?

Our industry attracts prospective franchisees from all backgrounds and walks of life, but the senior care sector is not ideal for every individual. That’s why it’s important to evaluate yourself, your abilities and your preferred way of working before you jump in and sign on.

Here are four qualities that successful senior-care franchisees possess:

They Can Handle Coaching and Feedback

As a franchisee, this can be difficult if you’re used to giving orders instead of taking them. However, if you are a team player who can trust a proven system and integrate constructive feedback into your career, you will probably do just fine in the world of senior care franchising. It’s all about working hard and using your specific talents to make the system work for you and your business.

They Appreciate Structure

Some people require a certain degree of excitement and spontaneity in their professional lives, and these individuals tend to make exceptional entrepreneurs. Unfortunately, they don’t always make the best franchisees. But if you feel comfortable working within a structured system with clear guidelines to follow, franchising might be perfect for you.

Do You Have What it Takes to Be A Senior Care Franchisee?They Possess Strong People Skills

Although it’s possible to run some businesses without interacting with a diverse group of individuals, that’s just not how most franchises work. If you’re a “people person” who can work successfully with all kinds of people while putting your ego aside, though, franchising is an avenue worth considering. The senior-care industry, in particular, is incredibly diverse, bringing together people from all backgrounds, cultures and economic realities.

They Want to Support the Community

Senior-care franchising is different from other opportunities because it allows franchisees the chance to truly help their communities. Senior care companies provide a resource and a lifeline that might not exist otherwise. So if you’re interested in doing more than just making profits, you can find lots of chances to help others as an in home senior care franchisee!

Do You Have More Questions?

If you’re interested in learning more about becoming a senior care franchisee in your area, we invite you download our FREE franchising ebook today! It’s loaded with information that will help you make the best choice for your future, so don’t hesitate to get your copy.


Please refer to our most recent Franchise Disclosure Document for important details.

Four Reasons Now Is the Right Time To Start a Senior Care Franchise

Four Reasons Now Is the Right Time To Start a Senior Care FranchiseHave you been searching for ways to make changes or improvements in your life and career? Like most people who yearn for such change, you’ve probably considered making moves, but the future consequences are too unclear to take the necessary leap of faith, whether it’s switching careers, starting a business or moving your family to a different part of the world. So you’ve remained in your comfortable existence — and there’s nothing wrong with that!

But what if you’re still motivated by a desire to do something different with your career?

Senior care franchising may be your best option. Why? Well, we think if you just look around you, you’ll see numerous reasons why in-home care franchises represent such awesome business opportunities today.

Here are four of those reasons:

Seniors Crave Independence

Successful businesses are usually built upon a foundation of an ability to offer something that’s in need. Today’s seniors have a need to be independent and autonomous. They have very little interest in nursing-home living, with many older individuals finding ways to stay at home for as long as possible.

As a senior-care franchisee, you can take advantage of this desire in your community. Seniors and their families will appreciate the solutions you have to offer, and they will be sure to tell others about the amazing solutions your business provides.

Baby Boomer Transitions

The so-called “Baby Boomer” generation is retiring and they’re going to need options for their senior years. This generation likes to do things differently, and the way they choose to live out their senior years is no exception.

There are Baby Boomers in your community right now who desire more options as they consider senior living. Will you be the one to help them with your own senior care franchise?

Four Reasons Now Is the Right Time To Start a Senior Care FranchiseThe Best of All Worlds

Being a business owner is tough, but working for a corporation can be just as difficult. What if you could have the best of both worlds without the hassles associated with them? Franchising in the senior care sector gives you the opportunity to operate independently with the full support and power of a successful business backing you. You have freedom to operate, but you also have a team of experts and a proven system behind you. What a great opportunity!

Future Competition Will Be Fierce!

One of the most compelling reasons to get into senior care franchising today is the fact that the future is going to be very competitive as more and more people realize the benefits of owning their own franchises in this sector.

By getting on board now, you can establish yourself as a proven leader while your future competitors are still deciding what to do with their careers. Are you ready to take that leap of faith?

Franchise With Always Best Care

Always Best Care is one of the true leaders in senior care franchising. Download our FREE franchising ebook today and learn more about why your next career decision should go in the direction of at home senior care!


Please refer to our most recent Franchise Disclosure Document for important details.

Six Simple Tips for Senior Care Franchise Success

Senior care franchises are sprouting up all over North America, proving that it’s a business model that’s looking at a very bright future. If you’re a senior-care franchisee or you’re in the process of considering the purchase of your own in home care franchise, it’s important that you take time to think about how you will set yourself apart from the competition and ensure the success of your business.

Six Simple Tips for Senior Care Franchise SuccessHere are six simple tips that can give you the edge you need to make your franchise the class of your community:

#1 — Work Hard and Practice Persistence

Maybe this should go without saying, but too many franchisees think that the business model by itself is going to make them successful. Well, that’s just not the case. Hard work and persistence are the things that really set successful franchisees apart from their less-successful peers.

#2 — Work Smarter

Hard work is crucial, but sometimes you have to recognize when you’re putting a brute-force effort into something that just isn’t going to pay off. If you want to be successful, you have to be able to understand that sometimes the best solution comes from a good idea and not a Herculean effort.

#3 — Search for New Opportunities Constantly

As a franchisee, your success will depend on your ability to keep finding new opportunities. This might mean taking advantage of partnerships with local senior centers and other facilities, or it might mean making your business a sponsor of local events. You just can’t afford to coast as a franchisee.

Six Simple Tips for Senior Care Franchise Success#4 — Learn What Makes You Stand Out

What do you bring to your business personally? Is there something special that you do well that your competitors struggle with? If you can find a handful of these things, you can make your business more attractive to seniors and their families.

#5 — Avoid Making Excuses

Things aren’t always going to go your way. That’s just how business works, though, so you have to be able to bounce back when a plan fails or a venture falls through. Although it’s easy to make excuses and complain about how things didn’t work out, that’s not way to succeed. Instead, look at your efforts and determine how you can do a better job in the future. Then move forward one step at a time.

#6 — Be the Best at What You Do

Sometimes being successful is simply a matter of noticing what others are doing and finding a way to do it better. What are your competitors good at? Where can you improve with your efforts? Notice these areas, improve them and strive to be the best at them!

More Franchise Advice and Information

If you’re interested in learning more about how to be successful in the senior-care industry, or if you’re curious about purchasing your own franchise, our FREE senior care franchising ebook contains information and advice you can’t ignore. Download your copy today!


Please refer to our most recent Franchise Disclosure Document for important details.

Four Signs that Franchising Is Right For You

Four Signs that Franchising Is Right For YouLike a lot of people these days, you might be searching for opportunities that make your personal and professional lives more comfortable and successful. Perhaps you’ve worked in the corporate world, or you’ve considered hanging your own shingle as the owner of a business. If nothing seems to satisfy, but you’re eager for something new, franchising might be your best bet. Franchising, particularly in the rapidly growing in-home senior care industry, is a great way to make a living while making a difference. Moreover, it features the best of all worlds when it comes to the business experience. And when you find the ideal franchise, you experience the perfect balance between support and freedom.

But how do you know if franchising is really right for you?

Here are five signs to look for:

#1 — You’ve Got an Active Mind

Are you always thinking of ways in which a business you run could be successful? Are you constantly looking at trends and performing forecasts of the future? Do you often find yourself considering possibilities surrounding marketing initiatives? Your thoughts can be put to good use in the world of franchising, where good ideas are always welcome.

#2 — You Motivate Yourself

You don’t need anyone to tell you what to do in order to get the job done. You just do it, and you do it well. As a self starter, you are perfect for a possible career as a senior care franchise owner. However, it’s important to note that you will need to take direction from the franchisor who will give you guidance based on proven principles.

#3 — You Know How to Follow A Successful System

Sometimes business is all about doing the right thing based on what’s worked in the past. Yes, you’re a thinker and a self starter, but you realize that when something works, it’s worth repeating. As a franchisee, you will work with people in your industry that have proven time and again that they know what works. All you need to do is recognize that the system is the path to success, then you can augment it with your own expertise and business savvy.

Four Signs that Franchising Is Right For You#4 — You Feel Like It’s Time for A Change

Are you simply ready for a new direction in your life and your career? Have you looked at different opportunities and found them lacking something? Perhaps franchising is the ideal scenario and you simply haven’t investigated it yet.

If you are truly ready for a change in your life that will affect every aspect of your personal, social and career tracks, it’s time to take a look at franchising. Franchising — especially in senior care — is a great way to play to all of your strengths while ensuring that your future remains bright.

Learn More About Senior Care Franchising

Are you interested in learning more about what franchising in the senior care sector can do for you? Download our FREE senior care franchising ebook today! It’s loaded with excellent information and insights that you won’t find anywhere else. Simply click the link and see where franchising can take you and your career!


Please refer to our most recent Franchise Disclosure Document for important details.

Why Is In-Home Care Hot? Take a Look at the Facts

Why Is In-Home Care Hot? Take a Look at the FactsThe franchising world is filled with endless opportunities, making it difficult to select the career path that is likely to present the brightest future. From fast food to fitness, there is a franchising opportunity for every interest, and each one has its pros and cons. However, if you’re interested in investing in a franchise that offers explosive growth along with the chance to make a difference in your community, one franchise sector shines brighter than most others – in home care for seniors.

Why is this franchise sector so appealing for savvy investors and entrepreneurs?

Let’s take a look at the facts!

-There are more than forty-million seniors in the United States

This means that seniors make up a huge segment of the population – 13.1 percent, in fact! But that’s not all: in just 35 years, the total number of seniors in this country is expected to double, and people over the age of 65 will represent more than 20 percent of the population. As the senior population grows, so will its need for care.

-More people want to “age in place”

Nursing homes and care facilities will always have their place, but they are becoming less and less appealing to the senior population. In fact, 90 percent of individuals aged 65 and older say that they would prefer to remain in their current residence as they age. Technology helps make this possible, but the the presence of in-home caregivers from companies like Always Best Care makes it even more appealing and practical. This means that home-care franchisees will always have a viable business model to work within.

-Health care jobs are moving to non hospital settings

According to the U.S. Department of Labor, occupational growth will occur at a rate of nearly 50 percent for home-health and personal home-care careers in the coming years. Who will employ these caregivers? Franchisees in the home-care industry, of course!

-Costs of care are rising

Why Is In-Home Care Hot? Take a Look at the FactsThe cost to care for a person suffering from Alzheimer’s or another form of dementia is predicted to rise substantially. The cost to treat Alzheimer’s alone is expected to exceed $1 trillion annually in the United States. This means that families will increasingly look to save money wherever possible while maintaining a high standard of care. Companies like Always Best Care will be there for those families, and franchisees will find themselves in a position to not only achieve business success in a lucrative market, but to make a real, lasting difference in their communities.

Franchise With Always Best Care and Join a Flourishing Industry

Franchising is a great way to achieve business success, but the home-care industry offers the opportunity to make a difference in a rapidly changing world, as well. If you’re interested in getting on board with your own senior-care franchise, contact Always Best Care today! Also, don’t forget to download your own copy of our FREE franchising ebook, which is packed with information that will help you put your best foot forward on your way to a successful future!


Please refer to our most recent Franchise Disclosure Document for important details.