How to Build a Team of Top-Notch Caregivers

How to Build a Team of Top-Notch CaregiversBecoming a senior care franchise owner is an exciting process. Throughout it, you will learn more than you ever thought possible about the in home care industry, and you’ll be presented with a number of challenges. It’s all worth it, of course, because you get to use your particular skills and talents to run a successful business of your own while helping your community. And along the way, you’ll add people to your team who will help your business succeed — and help you establish your franchise as a real resource for seniors and their families in your area.

One of the first challenges you will have to face is hiring a team of caregivers. This is crucial for the health of your franchise and your ability to provide helpful, credible care. But as long as you follow some simple guidelines, you can rest assured knowing that the people you hire will represent you and your business amazingly well.


Recruiting refers to your ability to locate the best possible candidates out in the world.

When it comes to recruiting, you first need to identify the type of caregiver you want for your franchise. Make a list of characteristics and/or traits that the ideal candidate would possess. Then, you can match potential hires to your ideal. When a caregiver matches what you have in mind, you know you’re on the right track!

The other critical part of the recruiting process is advertising for caregivers. Here are some tips that can help you maximize your efforts:

    1. Be detailed when describing the job

    1. Use your description of the ideal caregiver when you advertise

    1. Describe the

benefits and perks of the job

    1. to entice the best candidates

    1. Be brief and to the point to attract the attention of the most in-demand candidates

    Advertise in places where the highest-quality caregivers are likely to look as a means of targeting the best candidates

How to Build a Team of Top-Notch CaregiversOnboarding

Onboarding refers to your ability to bring your new hires up to speed so they can contribute quickly and meaningfully to your franchise’s success.

This process is incredibly important because it initiates your staff members into the values and ethics that you want to convey as a business owner. Your image and your reputation as an in-home care franchisee will be determined largely by your staff. A comprehensive and thorough onboarding procedure is the best way to ensure that your people “get it.”

Here are some pointers:

    1. Articulate your goals and values clearly, and use repetition in training to ensure that your caregivers understand what’s important to you and your business

    1. Ensure that common procedures are standardized so that all members of your team operate in a consistent manner

    1. Don’t forget to explain how caregivers should go about addressing common issues and concerns

    Manage expectations by answering questions and concerns honestly

Learn More

Are you interested in learning more about what it’s like to hire a team of caregivers for a senior care franchise? We’d love to work with you! Just download our FREE franchising ebook today to find out what it’s like to run your own business in our amazing industry.


Please refer to our most recent Franchise Disclosure Document for important details.

Five Tips to Avoid Franchisee Failure

Five Tips to Avoid Franchisee FailureSuccess as a franchisee is all about following the system and using the tools that are made available. But that doesn’t mean franchisees are immune to the types of mistakes that can cause a business to fail. Following the system is essential, of course, but successful senior care franchisees know that they have to work diligently and bring their own skills and experience to the table in a big way if they want to succeed. It’s also important to avoid some common pitfalls that can cause a business to perform poorly.

Are you interested in becoming a franchisee in the in home senior care sector? You need to keep these five essential tips in mind!

#1 – Beware a Bad Fit!

It’s important to be able to recognize awesome opportunities and capitalize on them quickly, but it’s equally important to research franchise opportunities thoroughly before making a big investment – and possibly a big mistake.

Before you commit to a franchise, you need to do your due diligence, perform research and ensure that the business you select is the perfect fit.

#2 – Find the Right Funding

There’s more to becoming a franchisee than simply coming up with the franchisee fee for the business. In order to succeed and ensure growth of your business, it’s crucial to have the proper amount of funds. Capital is king, regardless of the type of business you operate, so be sure you have sufficiently deep pockets before you sign the dotted line.

#3 – Management Matters

Five Tips to Avoid Franchisee Failure!If you don’t plan on being involved with the day-to-day operations of your franchise, you need to put extra effort into finding dependable management personnel who can keep your business on the right track. Exceptional management can mean the difference between massive success and ultimate failure.

#4 – Are You Cut Out to Be Your Own Boss?

Evaluating your franchise opportunity is critical, but it’s just as important to evaluate yourself and your ability to be an effective boss. Do you feel comfortable with the idea of being your own boss? Do you have any experience sitting behind the desk that says, “The Buck Stops Here?” Big business dreams are great, but you have to be honest with yourself and about your abilities.

#5 – Follow the System

This one can never be repeated enough. The biggest reason for franchisee failure is ignorance of the system that has made the franchisor (and existing franchisees) successful. Although following the system is no guarantee of success, it is absolutely the best way to avoid failure!

Learn More About Franchise Success in the Senior Care Industry

Always Best Care has been providing excellent opportunities for franchisees since 1996, and we know a thing or two about what it takes to have the best possible franchise experience. If you’d like to learn more about franchising, download your own copy of our FREE ebook today!


Please refer to our most recent Franchise Disclosure Document for important details.

Go Into Business for Yourself, not by Yourself with Franchising!

Go Into Business for Yourself, not by Yourself with Franchising!Going into business for yourself often means going into business by yourself. And that means lots of sleepless nights and weekends spent at the office. For many entrepreneurs it’s all worth the effort – few things are as satisfying as building something meaningful from the ground up – but the realities of going into business for oneself can be too daunting for even the hardest working would-be business owners.

So, what’s the solution for those individuals who can envision their own business success, but are discouraged by the realities of building the business on their own? Franchising, of course!

The Franchising Sweet Spot

When you purchase and operate a franchise, you find yourself in the “sweet spot” of business ownership. You don’t have to feel like you’re putting your capital (and your skills) in jeopardy by gambling on a brand-new venture. Instead, you invest your capital and skills in a proven model.

Help Is Always Available!

The best part is that the franchise model ensures that you never have to do it all by yourself. For example, let’s say you purchase a senior care franchise. You have experience dealing with management, and you’re passionate about helping others and ensuring that seniors live their best possible lives – those attributes can truly flourish in the franchise system because they are supported by a proven process that fosters success. All you have to do is follow the system and use the tools that are made available to you by your franchisor.

Additionally, there are people in the system like Area Representatives and other franchisees who can assist you when you get stuck or have encountered an issue that you might not know how to address. Nothing like this exists anywhere else in the entrepreneurial world, which is why franchising is so appealing.

Franchising and Freedom

Go Into Business for Yourself, not by Yourself with Franchising!But what about the freedom to make important decisions on your own and solve problems creatively? You follow a proven system as a franchisee, but it doesn’t mean that you won’t be able to flex your creative muscle and develop unique solutions to problems using your experience and acumen.

In fact, franchisors prefer to work with franchisees who bring knowledge, creativity and problem-solving ability to the table! Your success helps the company grow, and everybody wins when each member of the company pulls his or her own weight (all while following the proven system for franchise success).

So, instead of mulling over opportunities that place all the pressure for success squarely on your shoulders, why not consider buying a franchise? It gives you the opportunity to go into business for yourself while avoiding the numerous pitfalls that would come from going into business by yourself!

Learn More!

Are you interested in learning more about franchising in the growing senior care industry? Download our FREE franchising ebook today and learn how you can get started in this amazing industry! Also, be sure to visit our website to learn more about how you might fit in with the Always Best Care team.


Please refer to our most recent Franchise Disclosure Document for important details.

Meet Bryant Greene – Our Amazing Franchisee of the Year!

Meet Bryant Greene – Our Amazing Franchisee of the Year!Of all the wonderful franchise owners in the Always Best Care system, perhaps no one exemplifies perseverance and success quite as well as Bryant Greene, owner of Always Best Care Senior Services of Philadelphia. Not long ago, Greene found himself laid off as a victim of the “Great Recession,” wondering what his next move should be. Today, he is one of the brightest lights in the growing in-home care industry.

How did he do it?

He worked hard and followed the Always Best Care franchising system!

Corporate Experience Transformed into Franchise Success

In 2009, during the peak of the recession, Greene found himself out of a job. His two decades of corporate experience somehow didn’t appeal to employers, so he sought different opportunities. While attending a job fair, he was introduced to the idea of going into business as a franchise owner. At first, Greene was skeptical, thinking that buying a franchise business would be a poor financial – and career – decision in the midst of a catastrophic financial downturn. However, once he was introduced to the growing senior-care industry, he saw a clear path forward. Remembering his grandparents and the appreciation he developed for seniors when he was younger, he decided to invest in a franchise with Always Best Care.

Amazing Growth After a Slow Start

Things didn’t take off as quickly as Greene had hoped when he opened his first Always Best Care franchise in July, 2010. In fact, the office didn’t attract its first client until three months later! Fortunately, Greene and his staff continued working hard and following the ABC franchise system. Then, once the business was approved for Pennsylvania’s Medicaid waiver program in February, 2011, tremendous growth started to occur.

These days, Greene can boast about a thriving business with more than 1,200 employees and offices in Philadelphia, Bristol and Yeadon. Later this year, a Wilmington, Delaware office will be added to the mix. Although Greene has experienced amazing success and growth as an Always Best Care Franchise owner, the focus of his business remains firmly centered on the care of seniors, believing that the business is only as good as the service it provides.


Well-Deserved Recognition

At the 2015 Always Best Care International Conference in San Antonio, Texas, Greene was recognized by the national franchise as its franchise owner of the Year.Meet Bryant Greene – Our Amazing Franchisee of the Year! Thanks to his commitment to in-home senior care, his willingness to give back to the community and, of course, the growth of his business, Greene was an obvious selection for the award.

While Bryant Greene’s success is exceptional, similar results can be achieved by anyone who invests time, energy, money, hard work and dedication into their Always Best Care franchise. Certainly, Greene’s business savvy has helped him succeed, but it’s his commitment to the finely tuned franchise system that has made him a leader in the senior-care industry.

Your Own Always Best Care Franchise

Are you interested in learning how you can find meaningful business success in the senior-care industry? Download our FREE franchising ebook today, visit our website for more information or give us a call. We’d love to hear from you!


Please refer to the current Franchise Disclosure Document (FDD) for required and pertinent information related to investing in, and operating, a franchise.  Each franchisor must publish and annually update an FDD.  The FDD is made available to you as part of the Discovery process, after your initial discussions with the franchisor.

A Look Into the Future of Senior Care – What’s Around the Corner?

A Look Into the Future of Senior Care – What's Around the Corner?Times seem to be changing more rapidly than ever before, and the senior-care industry is not immune. Technology continues to advance at a blistering rate, and people are living longer lives, which has forced individuals and families to think differently about how they take care of the senior population. Navigating the transforming landscape will be challenging, but we’ve looked ahead to make some predictions about where the elder-care industry will be headed in the next few years.

Let’s have a look!

#1 – A New Ideal

For decades, the automatic response to aging was to investigate nursing-home care. The idea of allowing Mom or Dad to continue living and thriving at home was simply not a viable choice for most families. Today, however, staying at home has become the dominant model for effective senior care. When you look at the amazing benefits that seniors can experience by staying at home, as well as the financial benefits for families, it’s easy to see that the in-home-care model will continue to dominate our industry in the coming decades.

#2 – Technology Rules

Even if seniors don’t embrace the latest technological advances, modern technology will have a major impact on how the elderly live their lives. Technology keeps families and friends connected, plus it can be used to automate various functions of the home, making life much easier for seniors. As time goes by, technology will only become more important, which means that those of us in the senior-care industry will do well to stay on top of the technological wave.

#3 – Living Longer and Living Well

A Look Into the Future of Senior Care – What's Around the Corner?Life expectancies keep rising – seniors are enjoying life after retirement for longer than ever before, and they are taking full advantage of the time that they have available to them. Today’s aging population is youthful and vibrant, and its members are interested in living lives that are filled with fun, adventure and vitality. The desire to live a rich, active and fulfilling life is strong among today’s seniors, and they recognize that they can age more gracefully – and happily – by remaining at home. This means that in-home senior-care providers who furnish opportunities for vibrant, active living will become increasingly attractive to the aging population.

The Future of Senior Care

No one knows for sure what the future will look like, but it’s easy to see where the senior-care industry is going. The nursing-home model is a thing of the past, and seniors are living rich, full, independent lives. This is great news for those of us involved with in-home care!

Are you interested in learning how franchising with Always Best Care can provide you with the tools to navigate the future effectively! Call us today for a free consultation at 1-855-430-CARE (2273). Also, be sure to download our FREE senior care franchising eBook!


Please refer to our most recent Franchise Disclosure Document for important details.

The Top Ten Reasons to Become an Always Best Care Franchisee


If you’re reading this, it’s probably because you’re in the midst of performing research on what you hope will be a lucrative and rewarding professional transition. Franchises are a great way to enter into a more independent career in business while enjoying the backing of a proven corporate entity. That being said, not all franchises are created equal.

The home-based senior-care franchise industry is growing at a fantastic rate, and it is one of the top franchise sectors to join. However, a number of opportunities exist with a large number variety of franchise corporations within this industry

Naturally, we feel that Always Best Care offers the best opportunity for those who want to enter into the home-care industry. Here are the top ten reasons why you should consider working with us when you make a decision regarding the ideal franchise opportunity for you and your future.

  1.  Advanced Marketing Solutions and Support
    As an Always Best Care franchisee, you will have access to state-of-the-art marketing tools and support. Of course, it’s up to you to make use of them effectively, but we set you up to succeed (link:
  2.  Top-Notch Training
    Our comprehensive training program, which combines classroom and field-based modules, will provide you with the knowledge and experience you require to start your franchise journey on the right foot.
  3.  Low Investment, High Revenue
    When compared to other franchise industries, the home-care sector has an incredibly low cost of entry. At Always Best Care, we provide not only an affordable way to become a franchise, but also methods to maximize your revenue. Everybody wins!
  4.  Up-To-Date-Resources
    Seniors are living longer than ever these days, and that means that an increasing number of seniors live with conditions such as dementia or Alzheimer’s. These individuals require a different type of care (link:, which is why we make sure our franchisees and their caregivers always have access to materials and education that helps them care for our diverse senior population in the best way possible.
  5.  Always Best Care is One of the Best Franchises for Minorities
    In spite of the amazing strides society has made in recent decades, minorities often face greater challenges in business, regardless of their qualifications. At Always Best Care, we believe that everyone deserves a chance to succeed, which is why we’ve been named one of the top 50 franchises for minorities by the National Minority Franchising Initiative. (link:
  6. Multiple Revenue Streams
    Always Best Care franchisees benefit from three distinct streams of revenue: skilled home-health care, non medical in-home care and assisted living finder services.
  7. Industry Experience and Stability
    Always Best Care has been around since 1996, and it offers opportunities not only in the United States, but around the world, as well. We’re here for the long haul, and we’ve proven our ability to help our franchisees succeed.
  8.  Opportunities in Markets Large and Small
    With some companies, it’s necessary to set up and operate in a large metro area in order to succeed. However, we believe that every community can benefit from an Always Best Care franchise, regardless of its size. (link:
  9.  National and Local Support
    Franchisees with Always Best Care enjoy excellent corporate training and support, but they can also access local help through our highly trained Area Representatives.
  10. The Chance to Make a Real Difference
    Seniors want to live their lives as independently as possible in their own homes. Always Best Care understands this desire, and we make sure our franchisees know that what they’re doing is benefiting the lives of people who might otherwise be forced to live in less than ideal conditions.

Are you ready to learn more about franchise opportunities with Always Best Care?

For information on our franchise opportunities, call toll-free 1-855-430-CARE (2273), send an email to [email protected], visit or download a copy of our FREE franchising eBook today!.


Please refer to our most recent Franchise Disclosure Document for important details.

Always Best Care Senior Services Launches Manager-Driven Franchise Model for the Senior Home Care Industry

Always Best Care Senior Services revolutionized the senior care industry when it introduced its exclusive outsourced staffing program, provided free to franchisees for their first six months to allow them to concentrate on immediate revenue-generating activities.

Now Always Best Care has done it again!

“Introducing the semi-absentee executive business model for the senior care industry,” proclaimed Michael Newman, founder and Chief Executive Officer of Always Best Care.

The semi-absentee executive model (also known as an investor or manager-driven model) is designed for persons who want to invest and prosper in the growing and recession-resistant senior care industry, but who are not looking for a new full-time operating position.

Always Best Care is one of the nation’s leading providers of non-medical in-home care, assisted living placement services, and skilled home health care.  The company delivers its services through an international network of more than 180 independently owned and operated franchise territories.

Traditionally, virtually all franchises in the senior care industry have been awarded to persons who have a passion for serving the senior community, who want to make a difference in people’s lives while they build a business, often who have had a personal experience caring for a senior relative, and who want to be “hands-on” in operating their businesses, according to Mr. Newman.

“With the dramatic growth of the senior care industry,” he said, “we’ve been seeing more and more business-savvy individuals who see the opportunities inherent in an industry that’s projected to continue on a growth curve for the next 30 years.  They’re not seeking a job or a position running a small office, however – they’re looking for an investment opportunity where they can open multiple offices and utilize their leadership and management skills in building a larger-scale business than has traditionally been the case in senior care.”

To qualify for the semi-absentee model, prospective franchisees must have a minimum liquidity of $150,000 and a minimum net worth of $500,000.  They’re required to purchase two or more territories, follow a prescribed hiring plan, and maintain a minimum required local marketing program.

According to Mr. Newman, the ideal candidate for the Always Best Care semi-absentee model is someone with prior business management experience who understands the model represents a long-term investment with a goal to grow the business and maximize equity value, versus developing immediate short term income.  “Additionally, he added, “the ideal candidate must be willing to relinquish controls to a manager as he or she builds a long-term business opportunity.”

A strong training program is essential to help these candidates develop the right attitudes, the right practices and the right culture for their businesses, Mr. Newman explained.  “Accordingly, we’ll provide an extensive training program for both the owner and managers of the new offices,” he said, “including several weeks of what we call ‘pre-training,’ then seven days of classroom training, nearly two weeks of in-the-field training and of course on-going support from our nationwide team of area representatives and the field support office.”

For information on Always Best Care franchise opportunities, including the new semi-absentee executive investor model, download our FREE franchising eBook, call toll-free 1-855-430-CARE (2273), write to us at [email protected], or visit


Please refer to our most recent Franchise Disclosure Document for important details.

Comprehensive Franchisee Training Helps Franchisees Launch Senior Care Businesses

Always Best Care®, one of the nation’s fastest growing senior care systems, offers franchisees a six-week multi-tiered standard of training and support through its ABC University®, one of the most comprehensive and extensive programs in the senior care industry.

Always Best Care is one of the nation’s leading providers of non-medical in-home care, assisted living finder/referral services and skilled home health care. The company delivers its services through an international network of more than 200 independently owned and operated franchise territories and area representatives throughout the United States.

The Always Best Care training program focuses on the operational activities of setting up, managing, and marketing a business that provides warm, compassionate and professional care for seniors and others.  The Always Best Care training system combines both corporate and local support for franchisees – a distinct benefit that provides a local coach, mentor and business advisor in close proximity to the franchisees’ territories.   Training is divided into modules that combine field and classroom settings.  One-on-one coaching and web-based seminars are provided.

Always Best Care corporate team members and Area Representatives work with new franchisees during an extensive training program that can be completed in as little as six weeks. This includes both initial and ongoing training and support as well as classroom training at Always Best Care’s international headquarters in Roseville, CA (just outside Sacramento) and field training in a franchisee’s local marketing area.

“I am exceptionally proud of the Always Best Care training and support system,” said Michael Newman, founder and Chief Executive Officer of Always Best Care. “Without question, we strive to create a gold standard that provides a distinct advantage to our franchisees.”

The Always Best Care training focuses on three distinct phases:  Pre-classroom training; classroom training and field training – all designed to ensure the most efficient startup process for new franchisees …

  • Pre-Classroom Training:  New owners focus on a series of operations-based training modules. This phase of the program includes a kick-off webinar, office set up, introduction to the Learning Management System (virtual learning tool), and senior community and account management preparation. New owners will also complete all critical administration tasks, including insurance requirements, non-medical licensing applications, ordering print and marketing material, and conducting a competitive analysis of their market.
  • Classroom Training:  During the second phase, owners participate in seven days of intensive classroom training at Always Best Care’s headquarters.  This includes a review and discussion of key topics including operations, marketing, caregiver on-boarding and staffing, client management, and instruction on how to develop key strategic alliances in the marketplace.Classroom training also encompasses guest speakers on a wide range of topics such as insurance, payroll, and veteran’s affairs, as well as tours of Sacramento area skilled nursing facilities and senior communities.  Additionally, trainees network with fellow franchisees during class and have an opportunity to spend time with founder and Chief Executive Newman, Chief Operating Officer Jake Brown, Vice President of Franchise Operations David Caesar and Vice President of Marketing Barry Parrish.
  • Field Training:  After completing classroom training, franchisees participate in nine days of in-the-field training, three of which are spent with their local coach at their location. This part of the training program concentrates on developing relations with assisted living communities, interviewing and hiring caregivers, referral marketing, networking in the marketplace, public relations, and staffing.

Field training also provides new owners with an opportunity to work with their Area Representative in the market during a three-day session. The training session includes referral marketing and client visits, a review of community tours, the status of the new owner’s caregiver team, a discussion about the franchisee’s strengths and challenges, a detailed plan that incorporates the ten areas of focus, and a written field training summary, with emphasis placed on skill sets, roles, expectations, and goals.

“The goal of our training program is to prepare franchisees for the launch of their new businesses,” explained Mr. Newman, “and to provide them with the tools they need to build those businesses while making true differences in people’s lives.”

For information on Always Best Care franchise opportunities, download a copy of our FREE comprehensive franchising eBook call toll-free 1-855-430-CARE1-855-430-CARE (2273), send an email to [email protected], or visit


Please refer to our most recent Franchise Disclosure Document for important details.

Five Great Reasons to Select Always Best Care

1)     Territory protection with greater opportunity!  What drives growth in the senior care industry are relationships with the many referral sources within each franchisee’s territory. The senior citizens receiving care, however, may live anywhere, not exclusively within the territory. As a result, Always Best Care franchises may serve customers both inside and outside of their defined territories, as they are not limited to serving clients only within a protected territory.

2)    Additional revenue stream from assisted living finder and referral services! Always Best Care franchisees can drive revenue while building local credibility and visibility with all referral sources – even before obtaining a home care license. This added service provided by Always Best Care franchisees creates additional revenue from the same referral sources. Plus – it’s free to our clients; all fees are paid by assisted living communities. Importantly, many families who begin as home care referrals later decide to move into an assisted living community. A home care franchise built around only one or the other service only captures a limited share of market.

3)    Expand the franchise to provide skilled home care when the time is right! Providing skilled nursing services to customers and developing the skilled revenue stream is a key competitive advantage to capture a greater share of market. At Always Best Care, we know this is a big step and we do not ask our franchisees to apply for skilled service licenses until they have achieved approximately $1million in annual billing from their non-skilled business. (This does not imply a guarantee that franchisees will attain specific sales volume.)

4)    Local training and ongoing support – a big advantage for franchisees! Always Best Care provides a powerful combination of both national and local support. Training includes how to use sales performance metrics, marketing, national accounts, turnkey operating technology, system-wide benchmarking and third party customer satisfaction support. Local support comes from Area Representatives who provide ongoing strategic planning, mentoring, communications and business building expertise with a vested interest in the franchisees’ success. If no Area Representative is present in proximity to a franchisee’s territory, this function is fulfilled by representatives from the field support office.

5)    Award-winning marketing and advertising!  Over the past few years, Always Best Care has been honored with more awards for marketing and advertising excellence than any other senior care franchise system in the United States or Canada.  With always Best Care’s exclusive ABC PR Journal, franchisees can launch and sustain a weekly mass email marketing campaign on a local level – week after week after week – with a unique combination of newsletters, email blasts, videos, feature articles and press releases, all at no cost to the franchisee!

For complete information on franchise opportunities at Always Best Care, call toll-free 1-855-430-CARE (2273), email [email protected], download a copy of our FREE franchising eBook today or visit


Please refer to our most recent Franchise Disclosure Document for important details.

Study Shows Canadians Prefer Aging at Home

There is great news for entrepreneurs living in Canada who may be interested in starting a home care business – A new national poll conducted by Nanos for the Canadian Nurses Associated has found that nearly 75% of all Canadians believe that it is important to spend time aging at home with the benefit of home-based care (SOURCE: Canadian Nurses Association).

According to CNA president Karima Velji, home care not only has positive effects for the health of Canada’s senior population, it also helps take pressure off of care facilities in the country, which are overcrowded. Much of this overcrowding is due to the fact that on any given day in Canada, 7,500 hospital beds are occupied by patients who are cleared for hospital discharge, but are not able to access the next level of care that they need.

This presents an incredible opportunity for hard-working, driven individuals looking to open a home care business in Canada. By providing home care through Always Best Care in your province, you will be making a positive impact on the senior community, as well as on Canada’s health system.

To learn more about Always Best Care and the opportunity to become a Franchisee in an industry in need of home care professionals, download your very own copy of our FREE franchising eBook today!


Please refer to our most recent Franchise Disclosure Document for important details.